How to buy NFTLegends crypto art with ETH. Detailed Guide.

NFT Legends
Sep 6, 2021


I love your arts, would buy some, but i don’t have ETH.

This guide is for you.

Download MetaMask mobile on your phone. Create a new wallet. Create password.

Secure your wallet. Write down your secret phrase.

Buy ETH with your card

Go to Browser. Type Connect your wallet.

Confirm connection wit MetaMask. Click BUY. Set quantity. Agree with terms, click BUY and confirm transaction.

After transaction will be confirmed, you can check your heroes on Wallet page. Then check in MetaMask wallet.

Check it on Marketplace OpenSea. Go to browser and type Connect your wallet. Go to My Profile.

Check your NFT. You can put it on sale. But wait for the reveal date to check the rarity.



NFT Legends

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